Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I purchased the book "Artisan Bread in 5 min. a day" and used the recipes from there. I don't think I can post them on the blog because of copyrights but you can check out this link by the authors of that book and see if they have it up on their website.

For the zucchini bread I used Paula Deen's recipe (although I decreased the nutmeg, sugar and oil and added 1/3 cup ground flax seed) and for the pasta I made up my own recipe

4 cloves of garlic bruised and then put through my garlic press
enough olive oil to lightly coat the pan
3 cups diced zucchini and/or whatever other summer squash you may have
Parmesan regiano
dried thyme
sea salt and pepper to taste

Cook the garlic over med-low heat with the olive oil until you stink up your whole kitchen. (Since the zucchini will soak up any extra olive oil don't use too much). Add the zucchini and resist the urge to stir it too much since you want it to be browned one side but not scorched. Once it starts to get brown add the thyme and throw it in the oven at 350 while you put the pasta water on to boil. Cook up the sausage at the same time in a different pan (casing removed if yours has a casing, I used a package of breakfast sausage because I'm not a food snob and that is all I had on hand but I bet sweet Italian sausage would be better.) Once it is nice and brown toss it in with the zucchini so that the salt from the meat can permeate. Wait for the water to boil. And wait. and wait. Better throw a lid on it so it boils faster. Once the pasta is cooked (I used whole wheat rigatoni) drain it, toss it with the veggies, taste it to see if it needs additional salt and pepper and serve with some grated Parmesan. Enjoy! (for the record my children did not enjoy ... so make it at your own risk)

1 comment:

Joanie said...

Yum! Thanks!

(How many "yums" have I used for commenting on your site? I guess I could also say fabulous, tasty, delicious, good, great,scrumptious...)

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