Zak and Eliot are at the breakfast table singing "I'm not a morning person". I think it is an original song. I'm not appriciating it right now since I've only downed 1 cup of coffee (a rewarmed cup from yesterday).
Last night I made Eliannah's Christmas robe. It is pretty plain so I think I'll spruce it up before I consider it totally finished. Today I go get fabric to make robes for the boys. They loved the ones I made a few years ago and completely wore them out.
Christmas is almost my least favorite time of year right now since this is the breakdown for the Holidays in our house
November 18th - my anniversary
Novemeber 21 - Eiot's birthday
November 22 - Thanksgiving
December 10 - Phillip's birthday
December 18 - My birthday
December 20 - Eliannah's birthday
December 25 - Zak's birthday / Christmas
December 31 - New Year's Eve
The kids end up getting so many gifts this time of year I feel like it is pointless to buy them anything but then I feel like a scrooge. This year I have a Christmas goal of giving them 3 gifts consisting of
1. a handmade gift (robes)
2. a toy
3. a misc. gift
Jesus only got 3 gifts right? The problem with having all our birthdays around Christmas is that the kids are tired of their toys and have outgrown their clothes by the time summer rolls around. A half birthday is difficult because it just seems so disconnected from their real birthday. Sigh ... I've also thought about shifting the December birthdays to January so that it will still feel like it is close to their birthdays. I don't know.
In other news Eliannah can now climb up to the top bunk of the bunk bed. My first clue that she could do this was when I overheard Eliot say to her, "Jump Eliannah, I'll catch you".
i'm a scrooge with you - our kids get so many gifts at christmas and birthdays that we don't get them anything, as long as they are young enough.
we're doing the 3 gift thing too, an idea my sister in law gave me.
We also have about 95% of birthdays in our family (not mine or Andy's though) beginning late November and running through December. I used to joke that Andy had to sleep on the couch for the months of February and March so that we wouldn't ever have a baby birthday too! It's expensive and feels a little impersonal too. :(
We won't be getting anything for Henry for a few years either...not only does he not know the difference, but he doesn't need it. Scrooge or not, it's probably a good thing to teach your kids anyway. When he's older, I think we'll do three gifts too: 1 from mommy, 1 from daddy and 1 (bigger) joint gift.
post pics of the robes? what pattern did you use (as if i really need another project!)?
oh dear... Don't jump Eliannah!!!!!
Yay, I'm not as miserly as I thought! I'm in good company. Kristen, I bought the robe patter at Walmart 3 years ago so good luck, the brand is "New Look" # 6931 and I have to tell you I looked everywhere for a robe pattern for young kids before I came across this one.
wow--and i thought our season was filled with birthdays and events this time of year. i hear you with the gift thing. that is a problem with the holiday birthdays and i've noticed it's getting harder for me to resist buying things for the kids. i've heard of the 3 gift idea and i do like it--it might be hard though because i use Christmas as an excuse to buy them things they may need. i love the picture of you in today's blog by the way.
I love the idea of 3 gifts... but Christmas is always my time to splurge, so this would be very difficult. Someone hold me accountable?!
I followed you over from lindsey's blog.
Yikes! What a December you have!
We too have always done the 3 gift thing! Same reason Jesus got 3. There is never this feeling of 'that's it' since they know what to expect.
btw- i love that you are pictured here in your hat. this sahm loves hat days!
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