Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rolly Polly Ollie

That's Isaac!  This week he cut his first tooth, learned to roll from front to back and from back to front.  He is also getting up on his hands and knees.

In other news ...

My dad is getting back from Africa after being there for business for the last 7 weeks.  Also, scientists have discovered a ring around Saturn and my house is a mess again/still.  In case anyone was wondering ...


Jodi said...

Jacqui, Isaac is just that red hair I see? He looks just like his mama. :)

I love reading your posts!

Jacquelyn said...

It's reddish brown - not as red as your family's but I'm glad at least one of them has some red.

Berji's domain said...

I was just wondering about your dad yesterday- how that all turned out!

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