I might as well admit it. I'm lazy. Even though I got up at 5:45 to go to the gym and watch the sunrise from the hamster wheel ... er treadmill, when it came time for breakfast I wanted to streamline the whole pancake assembly line. (Phillip had mixed up the whole wheat pancakes the night before so all I had to do was cook and serve them.) Lazy me.
Let me back up. In our family we eat peanut butter on our pancakes with syrup. Since none of the kids are old enough to cut up their own pancakes I usually cut them up into bit sized pieces with my handy dandy pair of kitchen scissors (a real time saver!). The only problem is that once the peanut butter is on the pancakes it makes a huge mess. The solution? Today I was inspired to make peanut butter syrup! I mixed a 1/2 cup peanut butter, 3/4 cup reduced sugar syrup and 1/4 cup milk, heated it up in the microwave and poured it over the pancakes. I can't tell you how much faster it was that way!! The only down side is that the syrup ends up looking like ... well ... you can imagine. Delicious though!
Hey Jacqueline - want another tip for cutting up those pancakes (even with goo on top of them)? Use a pizza cutter. I amaze family and friends with how fast I can cut up a stack of pancakes, waffles, toast...you name it. I'm still not quite convinced on the syrup/pnut butter mix.....
that's your definition of lazy? making pancakes in the morning for the fam? i wouldn't call that lazy at all!
...i'm confused...
here is the real definition of lazy from webster: disinclined to activity or exertion : not energetic or vigorous b: encouraging inactivity or indolence. that doesn't quite seem to match up with your post. :)
Hyperbole guys, Hyerbole ...
Hmmm...sounds like a great idea -- Especially since we also eat our pancakes with peanut butter and syrup! Usually by the time I've finished preparing Rebekah's pancakes and cutting them up, Nathan is already finished eating!
Rachael, I think peanut butter on pancakes must be a family thing, or did you eat it that way before you met Nathan?
I've always loved peanut butter. I even made peanut butter and syrup sandwiches once in awhile when I was a kid, but I never thought of putting both on pancakes until I met Nathan. I really like it though!
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