Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sunday's breasts

Wow, thought provoking article .. to say the least. I know I've been guilty of been naive as a teenager, unconcerned as a 20 something - but now that I'm 30 it has finally sunk in and is important to me. Is it important to you?


Kate said...

Great article! I totally agree and would venture to say not only in church should we cover ourselves but anytime we walk out of our homes!

Mama Mote said...

Lately I've been bothered by the women news anchors. A lot of them are wearing tight tops, but I'm noticing there is more cleavage than before, too. I want to hear the news, not see cleavage and you can't keep your eyes away...I keep changing channels. We are told to dress appropriately at work, modestly. For interviews, you dress professionally. And I know the students in student ministries have been told all this, too. I don't know how you can stress it anymore than what was stated - "The decision to ask women to cover their cleavage in church probably offended some of them. But it’s far better to offend a parishioner than it is to offend God." Does that NOT even come into the minds of women as they get dressed? Yes, Kate, ANYtime we walk out of the house, we should be dressing for Him.

Brianna Heldt said...

YES, modesty/chastity IS commanded by God (at all times--not just at church) and something that is largely ignored in the evangelical church today. It's sad how much the church truly has come to mirror society at large.

(I will also say though that men need to be careful about blaming women for their lust, which can very quickly turn into a subtle form of sexism, IMO. Not to mention, I don't think that should be the foundational reason we as women cover up.)

Sadly parents are not teaching this value in their homes, and not teaching their children what true femininity/masculinity are. So why should we be expecting girls to care about this for an hour on Sunday???? The church doesn't say much about it either.

We are a culture obsessed with body image, convenience, and material wealth. It's hard to go against that and I personally think that men and women have lost so much of their identity/purpose.

Loved reading your thoughts and Kate's and Robbin's. SO true!!!

Jacquelyn said...

So true Brianna. I think it is very important to note that Jesus said if you cause another person to stumble it would be better to weigh yourself down with a millstone and jump into the sea but he also said that if you eye causes you to stumble - cut it out. (Hyperbole of course) the body of Christ is made up of men and women working TOGETHER to glorify God. Not only that, I think it is the job of women confronting women when they see something inappropriate in a humble and helpful way. Can we extend this kindness to our sisters and brothers in Christ? I wonder ...

Brianna Heldt said...

I so agree that women ought to be exhorting women about this stuff, but who's gonna do it??? My confrontation-avoidant self sure doesn't want to do it. :)

joy said...

Yeah, ummm...Brianna, I noticed the other day, that you were sporting a lot of know, ummm....cleavage. :)

Seriously, I think that we can at least start by modestly dressing ourselves, teaching our children modesty, discipline and respect. Easy answer, but I like those kind of answers.

Brianna Heldt said...

Joy HA!!! I know, I really am quite the provocative dresser...heeheehee!

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