Maybe having the three kids in one room isn't so bad after all. My main problem with it is that they keep each other from falling asleep. Take tonight for example. When I went in the kids' bedroom to see what all the giggling was about the boys blamed it on "Bob" and "Toodie". Apparently Eliannah likes to do a puppet show with her feet and those are their stage names ...
(and no, they don't all share a bed, this is just the only pic I have of them in pajamas and it's from last summer when we were in a hotel in Boston)
That's a hilarious story, but probably not a hilarious feeling if you're sleep deprived. How is everything going?
Do you need a bjorn?
Times like that can be so sweet, if a little frustrating.
So fun! It's so cute to see sibling relationships...especially when they are all so close in age!
That's pretty funny. I shared a room with my brothers for years. I remember playing together, ganging up against one or another and fighting, but I don't remember a lot of lost sleep. Think of it as a long term bonding experience for them :)
It's really hard to sternly tell them to be quiet when I'm laughing.
(and yes Joanie, if I could borrow the Bjorn that would be helpful.)
Haha! How cute!
Ha :) I love the feet puppet show!
I can SO relate to the "aww"/"grr" experience of room-sharing! After a year of lots and lots and lots of discipline that wasn't working we finally gave up--Benj goes to sleep on our bed and we move him when he's asleep. I felt a little bit like we were "giving in," but having my evenings back made it worth it. :)
Not sure what we're going to do when the baby comes... :) Hope things are going well for you with your little man. :)
I love this. Yes, when kids are cute and you're laughing inside, it is hard to discipline. You have such cute kids. I love the their smiles.
Thought I'd check your blog after bumping into Philip and the kids at Vons.
I will get it to you ASAP!
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