Thursday, December 17, 2009

A VERY good book

I was 8 or 9, in a hotel with my family waiting for bed, and decided that "tonight is the night I start reading my Bible".  I picked up the Gideon Bible from the nightstand and chose the book of Habakuk from the table of contents because I didn't know anything about it and it was pretty short.  None of it made any kind of sense to me until I came to 3:17-19.  It knocked my socks off. 

There were so many wonderful things to be discovered back then.  There were so many treasures, so many crazy stories (Jael? six fingers and six toes? a honeycomb in a lion's carcass?).  I remember the month that I read Phillipeans every day.  I remember reading through  the entire Bible each year through highschool and college, trying to memorize Psalm 119, giggling through Song of Solomon.

I don't want my Bible to be a habit (and a very poorly cultivated one at that).  I want it to be the place were I discover God again and again in deeper and more meaningful ways.  In one hour I will turn 31 but tonight I'm going to finish being 30 and I'm going to sit down with a good book.

  11For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  Jeremiah 29:11-13 (emphasis mine)

Dear Heavenly Father,
 Thank you for calling out to me and gently leading me by the hand since childhood.  You have been so very faithful.  I am overwhelmed by your great goodness and mercy .. for they are from of old. You have guarded and guided me my whole life.  This is the path you chose for me.   You are my Lord, apart from you I have no good thing. You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand (psalm 16) Amen

(p.s. if you are a lurker, I'd love to hear from you - it being my birthday and all ...)


  1. Happy Birthday Jacquelyn. Lovely post. Wholeheartedly agree with every feeling throughout. I just love Him.

  2. Happy Birthday, Jacquelyn! I loved your reminder that reading the Bible shouldn't be just a habit, but a place to be with God and discover His greatness again and again. Thank you for that. Hope you have a great day!

  3. Lurky, Lurky, I'm a turkey.
    See? I'm a bit of a poet, too.
    Zephaniah 3:17 is my favorite verse; it knocked my socks off in college:
    17 The LORD your God is with you,
    he is mighty to save.
    He will take great delight in you,
    he will quiet you with his love,
    he will rejoice over you with singing."
    Happy birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday, Jacquelyn! I am a lurker. :) I saw the title of your blog from my sister-in-law's blog and it caught my attention. I agree, it is a very good book. It always refreshes me to hear or read about another sister's love for the Lord. Praise God for your life and for the joy that you have found in Him. I hope you felt loved as you are by our Maker. God bless!

    -Lurker aka Amber ;)

  5. Yes... I also love Habakkuk 3:17-19. We had it read at our wedding and it is inscribed on the inside of my husband's ring... very beautiful. Happy birthday!

  6. O.K., I checked your blog two nights in a row... wanted to see if you got my comment. I was so proud of myself for making one :) And good thing I did check back... I made it just in time.

    Happy birthday to you.
    Happy birthday to you.
    Happy birthday dear Jacquelyn.
    Happy birthday to you.

    Hope you felt celebrated and loved today.

    And P.S. you are sooooo young.... you should still be wearing flannel pjs to the grocery store or something. (We have a saying in our house that only the college kids and very old men get to wear their pjs to the store... the rest of us have to play grown-up.)

    Anyway, Happy Birthnight.

    Love, Erika

  7. Hi, I'm Janice, and I'm a lurker. I've looked for you at church to introduce myself but I think we go to different services. But happy birthday! And thanks for your interesting posts and poetry!

  8. Thanks all for the birthday wishes!

    Janice I wasn't at church as I left yesterday for Christmas with family. Maybe I'll see you when I get back?

  9. Happy Birthday Jacque! From another almost 31 who loves the Bible and loves the Lord. ; )

    A.K.A Hannah (from high school)
