Saturday, June 21, 2008

Once upon a tourist

Philadelphia is a city that loves its history and its tourists. It has a bus system set up to take you to all the tourist section of the city called the PHLASH (which is similar to a transit system in Seattle called the SLUT). The bus stops underneath a huge purple flag and is the very best way to get around if you are a tourist.

In the Historic District they have something called "Once upon a Nation" which is 13 benches throughout the city at various historic places where story tellers (stage actors) tell an interactive story of a person or place of interest that helps you understand your history better. I cannot describe how great these are for children and for helping them relate to people that lived so long ago and did so much for our country.

On Wednesday while we were looking for the next stop on our OUAN map we noticed a crowd collecting in one of the parks. There were some actors in historic costume mustering volunteers (children) for the continental army. After Z, E, E and Stephanie signed up they had to stand for inspection, learn how to salute, how to hold a rifle, and how to charge the enemy. It was very entertaining for the children and the man who played the drill sergent was very entertaining. I could really understand better how difficult it was to be in Washington's army, what was required of a soldier (they needed at least one lower and one upper tooth) Ect. . Fun and educational! What a concept!

(Eliannah thought they needed some more work)

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